Ieškoma kate Maša/Markiza Vilnius Naujininkai
Vilnius , Naujininkai.DINGO KATĖ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ieškoma katė Maša/Markiza dingusi rugpiūčio 9 d. Iki
popietės miegojo šalia Kapsų 28
namo. Po 12 val dingo ir iki šiol neatsirado. Katė gali būti pastebėta prie
Kapsų 26 Kapsų 6 ar prie IKI parduotuvės iš kiemo pusės Kapsų g.
Jei kas matėte po rugp.9 , priglaudet ar kažkur išvežet prašau
kuo greičiau grąžinti Mašą/Markizą !!!!!!Katė mums pažįstama apie 7-8
metus .
Jei žinote
kitas aplinkybes telefonas 868441622
Posted: 2022-08-28
News ID: 57080
Announcement views: 59815
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Comments knowing the death could have been avoided if he had best realized the seriousness of the scenario, he always felt he become responsible. to make subjects worse, his spouse left him a short time later, leaving him on my own with his six-year-vintage younger son. the hurt and ache of the two conditions had been greater than al ought to stand, and he turned to alcohol for assist. in time al have become an alcoholic. Comments can be left by signed-in users only.