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Welcome! is a united initiative of animal shelters to present their pets for rehoming in order to find new homes for as many of them as as possible.

We witness that the society still lacks information about how many unfortunate cats and dogs are waiting for adoption every day. Every year tens of thousands of pets are found abandoned in the streets or are brought to shelters by their owners. Therefore, the idea of this portal was to help all animals who needs new homes, are missing or found.

In case you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us by email

Most current developments

2010-06-27 Lauched portal version in Estonian language.
2010-06-20 Users will be able to delete their comments. 
2010-06-20 Users will be able to disable comments by their advertisements.
2010-06-13 News from different animal shelters will be published in news section "Animal news".
2010-05-20 Updated "black list", where you can share information about bad behaviour with animals. 

Further plans

We are looking for volunteers who could help us with translations into Polish and Estonian languages. If you could help, please let us know. Many thanks!


Statistika Online: 390


11.08 Gyvūnų Tematikos Straipsnių Vertimas iš Anglų į Lietuvių...
03.23 Prašau pagalbos padėti palaidoti katinuką (pagalbos nebereikia,... (1)
03.03 Gal kam reikia?
02.07 Liūdna naujiena
08.28 Ieškoma kate Maša/Markiza Vilnius Naujininkai (1)
08.25 kicutė (1)
05.03 Saldi porelė ieško namų (Padovanoti)
04.01 NEMOKAMA sterilizacijos akcija Vilniuje
03.19 Dviems kastruotiems katinėliams skubiai reikalinga sodyba !!!
03.14 Dar atrodo vakar nebuvo nė menkiausio ženklo, kad šiandien bus... (1)


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